Transmission Control Module
A computerized part of an automobile that controls the gear shifting feature is called the "transmission control module". This part is found in cars with an automatic transmission. The component is located in the rear section of the vehicle's engine behind the firewall. This module receives data from a part called the engine control unit. The data then sent to it to determine the timing and method of gear changes.
This control module has a role of regulating fuel efficiency and power by sending signals to the lock-up clutch that it receives from sensors. It also stores information in its memory about the car's transmission system. This information adjusts the shifting mechanisms for the various driving conditions.
If this module is defective in any way acceleration of the vehicle when the gas pedal is pressed can be delayed. It can also have an effect on the automobile’s performance when it is shifted into drive. This effect causes the vehicle to sound as if it is still in neutral. This computerized part contributes to the cars mobility.
Engine Control Module
Any operation in the car that helps it to run smoothly depends on an “engine control module” operating in peak condition. This component in the car is computerized also. It controls the ignition timing and the amount of fuel injection. It is a component that is replaceable if it starts to malfunction. The air and fuel mixture that the vehicle uses and the fuel injection timing helps with maintaining and improving engine performance and the fuel economy. The condition of the engine is effected if this component starts to malfunction.
Pre-owned components of this module for various makes and models of vehicles can be found in stores that specialize in these parts. Replacing these parts with like parts made especially for use in the specific model of the owned vehicle is important. Buying a used component to replace this part makes it more affordable. The engine control model switch can also be replaced if it malfunctions. Care must be taken that the replacement part fit’s the component that is currently in the car. These replacement parts feature easy installation and come with proper insulation to ensure safety.
Ignition Control Module
A car’s ignition system comes with an ignition coil that converts the amount of voltage needed to spark the spark plugs. This electrical current is managed by the “ignition control module”. This component is mounted on the engine. However, it is a heat sensitive component that is protected from the heat generated by the auto’s engine. This is done by covering it with insulation that is applied around the internal circuitry. Some auto manufacturers also put a heat shield between the engine and this module.
This module’s function is to switch transistors on and off. This feature is controlled by input produced by the magnetic pulse generator in the distributor. An AC voltage signal that relates to the speed of the engine and crankshaft’s position is transmitted by this generator. The purpose of the control module is to change this analog signal to digital. The digital signal becomes an on/off signal for the ignition.
These signals control the start of an engine. This is done by the engine control module signaling the ignition control module through the trip of a switch in the ignition. When this switch is tripped, signals activate the primary circuit transistor from signals that are received from the engine control. The ignition’s timing is based on engine information sensors. Some of these sensors are engine load and engine speed.
This module is very important to the car's ability to start. When the ignition key or button is activated, this component controls the power that is sent from the battery to the starter motor and the starter solenoid. If this power is not sent to these two parts, the car will not start. There's a trouble shooting technique that will confirm the condition of this component.
This test involves turning on the headlights in a garage or at night. Turn the lights on and turn the ignition to the "on" position. The headlights should dim if this component is working properly. The diming of the lights proves that the ignition part is functioning properly. Each of these parts are replacable at various auto parts stores.