Saturday, September 8, 2007

What a day to be alive.....

the car who hit me

I had a major accident today, was on my way for lunch and suddenly this stupid car ran into me out of a junction, he was speeding out of his way and there he hit me hard on the passenger site door. Thank God there wasn't any passenger in my car.
When he hit me, my entire car flew up for about 2 seconds before hitting ground, now i could understand why some cars hanging on the beams or turn turtle. I was totally shock and tremble as i saw the car coming close and bang!!! was totally speechless for a moment. Thank God i am alive :)

Was an Chinese uncle to who hit me, didn't talk much, keep on saying i was in a hurry and didn't notice your car, told me to claim from his insurance and went off.

So i went to the PJ, state Traffic Police station, as usual waited for 3 hours there, to get my police report and investigation with the sergeant. Really time wasting, cum this monday i got to return to the state traffic to get my report, hopefully the other party reported in. If not, i can't get my claim, so for the next 3 weeks i won't be having a car. Feel free to give me a ride. :)

Accident 1

another picture of my car closer look....

accident 2

Accident happen at Aman Suria, Sunway Mas....after the Tropicana tunnel turning in to Aman Suria. After the slope, the houses on the left hand side.