
Motorola is claiming success in the latest round of FCC white space device testing, countering Microsoft's numerous failed attempts. "It worked as well as we said it would," said Motorola's Steve Sharkey. So there. Motorola's device is mostly based on its geolocation capabilities, which in addition to its "sensing" tech allow it to know where which spectrum is being used by digital TV in that particular area and avoid it proactively. Sharkey calls the tech "absolute, solid protection," which should make members of the white space coalition happy -- though we haven't heard positive word from Philips, Adaptrum and InfoComm yet, who were also testing devices alongside Motorola, but aren't using the geolocation technology. That, and the FCC has the final word on all of this, so we'll just have to wait for that word from on high before we start riotous, interference free partying in the streets.